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Ахҵарақәа: с мобильного устройства из мобильной версии
Ацәаҳәа 12:
Добрый день , Хочу обратиться к уважаемым администраторам Абхазской Википедии, я житель республики Абхазия, меня давно привлекала Википедия ,и создание статьей ,когда я узнал что в Википедии существует раздел на Абхазском Языке, меня это очень привлеко, создавать статьи я вообще не умею так хорошо как многие , недавно попытался создать правку об Абхазском Царстве, ко мне обратились с благодарностью , но статью так и не приняли в изначальной форме и отредактировали, меня действительно манит это чутсво создание собственных статьей на Википедии ещё и на родном языке, мне сказали что не надо создавать статьи с телефона по скольку они не обладают таким потенциалом как ПК , я все таки хочу создавать статьи но как мне это делать? И можно ли это вообще делать через телефон? заранее спасибо , уважаемые администраторы за ваш труд и создание данного прекрасного проекта в области Википедии на моем родном языке .
: Мшыбзиа, аобрашение администраторқәа рзы қасҵар сҭаҳуп ,Сара Аԥсны сынҳәоит, дара бзиа избоит википедиа Аԥсуа Бызшәала, ҿнак астатиа қасҵеит , админстраторқәа рҳәоит "ателефон рыла астатьиқәа аԥҵара иҟалаӡом" Сара акомпьҩтер сымаӡым , иҟасҵозеи? Астатьақәа аԥҵара стаҳуп! АИ, даара иҭабуп ,шәара ари азв апроект Авикипедиах! Good afternoon, I want to appeal to the respected administrators of the Abkhaz Wikipedia, I am a resident of the Republic of Abkhazia, I was attracted by Wikipedia for a long time, and the creation of an article, when I found out that there is a section in Wikipedia in the Abkhaz language, I am very attracted, I generally do not know how to create articles so well like many, recently tried to create an edit about the Abkhaz Kingdom, they turned to me with gratitude, but the article was never accepted in its original form and was edited, it really attracts me to create my own articles on Wikipedia in my native language, I was told that it is not necessary create articles from the phone, since they do not have the same potential as a PC, I still want to create articles, but how can I do it? And can this be done at all through the phone? Thank you in advance, dear administrators for your work and the creation of this wonderful project in the field of Wikipedia in my native language. [[Алахәыла:Naur Vozba|Naur Vozba]] ([[Алахәыла ахцәажәара:Naur Vozba|обсуждение]]) 08:26, 7 ԥхынҷкәынмза 2021 (UTC)
:: Мшыбзиа! Thank you for your reply. If you do not mind I will use english because it is more comfortable for me. I am quite bad at russian language and a novice to the abkhazian language. I am not the administrator, [[Алахәыла:Surprizi|Surprizi]] is. And if you wish, he will show you the right way how to edit properly. I personally have very little experience with editing wikipedia on a mobile phone, but the full potential is possible on that too. All you need is switching to the full version of the wikipedia and not the automatic mobile version (you can do it in the bottom of any page clicking on the button that does that. The full version will give you more tools. But it will use more internet data.
:: You already made the first steps and anybody can edit your work, so do not be anxious about that. This happens on all of the language versions normally. It was me who edited [[Аԥсуа аҳра]] and I only wanted to give it a proper format so I will give you one basic instruction now. The first sentense of any article must contain the name of the article in '''bold'''. To do it you only have to select the name of the article and press the button for the bold font above. This will make the name of your first article look like '''Аԥсуа аҳра''' and the rest of the text is in normal font. Or you can do it by editing the code of the article (by clicking on "правит код"). To make it look bold, just write <nowiki>'''Аԥсуа аҳра'''</nowiki> (3x ' in front the text and 3x ' behind the text makes it bold, 2x ' will make it ''italics'', 5x ' will make it both '''''bold and italics'''''. For starters I recommend you to look how other nicely designed articles are made by clicking on "правит код" to see what must be done and how. That will give you further insight into how wikipedia is created and how it works. There are other features like templates, pictures, media files, references and so on, but for now this is enough. Do not worry how I changed your first article. When I wrote my first article on my home czech wikipedia 14 years ago, it needed lots of corrections by others as well, until I learned how to do it properly.
:: As you can notice there have been very few Abhazians on this wikipedia since its creation approximately 16 years ago. The majority of its editors have been people form foreign countries. It is always for the best if the majority of the Abkhazian wikipedia editors (Wikipedians - Алахәылацәа) have the Abkhazian language as their mother tongue. If you can invite other people from your country who are willing to participate, show them the Abkhazian wikipedia, because I am afraid very few people know about its existence. With much more people here this wikipeiea will be much more lively. And the Abkhazians will have their proper encyclopedia in their mother tongue. ;) --[[Алахәыла:Fraxinus.cs|Fraxinus.cs]] ([[Алахәыла ахцәажәара:Fraxinus.cs|обсуждение]]) 19:14, 7 ԥхынҷкәынмза 2021 (UTC)