Документация Адокументациа


{{Апроцент | numerator | denominator | decimals to round to (zero or greater) }}


Figures smaller than 0.0001% are shown in scientific notation.


  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 3 | 0 }} yields 33%
  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 3 | 2 }} yields 33.33%

Negative values can be used:

  • {{Апроцент | -1 | 3 }} yields -33%

Normal operation is to cut off all decimal zeroes from right in rounding:

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 5 | 2 }} yields 20%
  • {{Апроцент | 1111 | 10000 | 4 }} yields 11.11%

Add |pad=yes to always get as many decimals as specified, padding with zeroes where needed:

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 5 | 2 | pad=yes }} yields 20,00%
  • {{Апроцент | 1111 | 10000 | 4 | pad=yes }} yields 11,1100%

Third parameter can also be given through |pad=N:

  • {{Апроцент | 111 | 1000 | pad=4 }} is same as {{Апроцент | 111 | 1000 | 4 | pad=yes }} and yields 11,1000%

Default denominator is 100:

  • {{Апроцент | 20 }} yields 20%

Default precision is zero:

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 3 }} yields 33%

Override the percent symbol

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 3 | % =  percent}} yields 33 percent

Use a prescribed number of significant figures

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 4000 | sigfig = 3}} yields 0,0250%

Use a prescribed number of significant figures with small percentages

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 40000000 | sigfig = 3}} yields 2,50×10−6%

Use a prescribed number of significant figures with small percentages without scientific notation

  • {{Апроцент | 1 | 40000000 | sigfig = 3 | nonscinote = y}} yields 2,50×10−6%

Use a prescribed number of significant figures with large percentages

  • {{Апроцент | 40000000 | 2 | sigfig = 3}} yields 2,00×109%

Use a prescribed number of significant figures with large percentages without scientific notation

  • {{Апроцент | 40000000 | 2 | sigfig = 3 | nonscinote = y}} yields 2,00×109%

Dividing by zero will result in "nan" (undefined)

  • {{Апроцент | 0 | 0 | 0 }} yields nan%


Здесь приведена документация в формате TemplateData для данного шаблона, которая используется в визуальном редакторе и прочих инструментах.

Документация TemplateData для шаблона: Апроцент

Calculates and displays a percentage value.

Параметры шаблона[Править данные шаблона]


The Numerator of the calculated value. The percentage will be calculated as Numerator divided by Denominator. Use of comma as a thousands separator is optional.


The Denominator of the calculated value. The percentage will be calculated as Numerator divided by Denominator. Use of comma as a thousands separator is optional. Can be left out, in which case 100 will be used as the Denominator, and the Numerator will be the direct percentage used.

По умолчанию

Number of decimals to round to (zero or greater); if pad is not Yes, 0-digits will be cropped from the end.

По умолчанию
Pad / actual number of digitspad

If yes, use all digits given in Decimals. If a number, pad to that number of decimals.

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный
Significant figuressigfig

If set to a positive integer, the precision of the returned number will be adjusted to match the requested number of significant figures.

% replacement%

Replacement for % symbol

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный

Шәахә. иара убас

  • {{Number and percent}}
  • {{Winning percentage}}
  • {{Round}}
  • {{Significant figures}}
  • {{Fractions and ratios}}