This template provides way to wrap content in double square brackets.

Examples аредакциазура

  • {{brackets|test}} produces: [[test]]
  • {{brackets|test{{!}}more}} produces: [[test|more]]
  • {{brackets|:ja:山本五十六}} produces: [[:ja:山本五十六]]

Function аредакциазура

Function аредакциазура

This template is a simple wrapper around the [[ and ]] HTML entities that produce starting and ending double brackets, respectively.

Limitations аредакциазура

The template cannot output just the starting double bracket or just the ending double bracket. You will have to use either [[ or ]] to achieve this.

Шәахә. иара убас аредакциазура

  • {{Braces}} — to wrap content in double curly brackets
  • {{Bracket}} — to wrap content in single square brackets