Ашаблон адокументациа[аԥхьара] [аредакциазура] [аҭоурых] [purge]
Ахәҭаҷ/асекциа адырра апроцесс аԥсуа бызшәа аиҭагара ахь. Абызшәа адырра шәазҟазазар, ишәылшоит шәхы алашәырхәыр. |
аредакциазура{{EstcatCenturyType| centuryname | [ millenniumname ] | type | [ BC ] | [ parent = parentname ] }}
- Notes
For BC categories, only specify BC as the fourth, optional parameter, i.e. do not add BC as part of centuryname or millenniumname.
If there is no parent category for this type by millennium, then leave the millenniumname parameter blank.
If the optional parent= parameter is used, then this will place the category in that parent category, rather than "Nth-century establishments".
- Examples
{{EstcatCenturyType|1st|1st|States and territories|BC}}