Ашаблон:Format item
Ашаблон адокументациа[аԥхьара] [аредакциазура] [аҭоурых] [purge]
Ахәҭаҷ/асекциа адырра апроцесс аԥсуа бызшәа аиҭагара ахь. Абызшәа адырра шәазҟазазар, ишәылшоит шәхы алашәырхәыр. |
Ари ашаблон Lua апрограммаҟаҵаратә бызшәа ахархәара аҭатәуп: |
This template transforms a given item using a given template.
аредакциазура{{Format item|item=Item|template=TransformationTemplate|...}}
is called with the parameters that the item has been created with, plus any additional parameters passed to {{Format item}}. Contents of the item take precedence over the additional parameters, unless the parameter name is prepended with important
. If the parameter name collides with the parameters of {{Format item}} itself, prepend it with param
. There is no need to combine param
and important
, though.
It is also possible to transform multiple items at once, but not with this template.