Ирласны ахархәара | Бзиала шәаабеит аԥсуа википедиаҿы! |
Раԥхьатәи ашьаҿақәа | Википедиа алахәылацәа рыхьӡала аԥсуа бызшәа аҩшараҿ аԥсшәа шәасҳәоит.
Ԥрызхьаԥш ихадароу апринципқәа ахарахәраҿы: шәацәымшәакәа гәыразыла имҩақәышәҵа. Википедиа аҿы иҟоу астатиақәа иаҭахуп аҵаҩра (авторцәа рсиа ишьақәгылоит ирласны астатиа аҭоурых ариашараҿ) аха шәара ишәҭахызар аицәажәара аҽалархәра афорум аҿы, ма даҽа даҟьақәак рҿы, иаҵашәҩла, шәхы иашәырхәа ҧшьдыргак тильда (~~~~ ), ма иахәҭоу ақәаӷәӷәага. Напыла ахьыӡшьар напыла арбара аҭахым.
Алахәылашәа шәара шәдаҟьаҿ ишәылшоит ишәҳәар маҷӡк шәхазы акы, иуҳәозар абызшәазы ижәдыруа, ма аинтерес зҵоу хҭыск. Иара убас ишәозар азҵаара шәхы иашәырхәа асистематә цхыраара. Иара убас ишәзымԥшаазар аҭак ишәымаз азҵаараҿ, шәазҵаа апроект афорумаҿ, ма аус адышәул шәдаҟьаҿ ахцәажәарала, ианышәҵы уа Ус ишәзалымҵуазар астатиа ариашара, аха шәгәы иҭазар иарахьы азыхынҳәра, ибжьашәыргыл атекст алагамҭаз Даҽаныхгьы бзиала шәаабеит! Hello and welcome to the Abkhazian Wikipedia! We appreciate your contributions. If your Abkhazian skills are not good enough, that’s no problem. We have an embassy where you can inquire for further information in your native language. We hope you enjoy your time here!
Астатиақәа рыхьӡ | |
Урҭ астатиақәа рхархәара | |
Аԥҟарақəа арбарқәа | |
Аиллиустрациақәа рыҭара | |
Автортə зинқәа | |
Ацхыраагӡатә жәар |
— Surprizi (обсуждение) 10:04, 31 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
Russian text
аредакциазураDear friend! This is Abkhazian Wikipedia and we are going to write here into Abkhazian language (not into Russian or other). Please if you are not know Abkhazian not to add another language templets or texts like this [[Категория:Шаблонқәа:Флаги по коду|{{PAGENAME}}]]. Beside you should be sure that names of countries into Abkhazian you wrote are correct. If you haven't sources please not to add to us new job. Best regards!--Surprizi (обсуждение) 10:08, 31 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
Please change Categories into Abkhazian ([[Категория:Шаблонқәа:Флаги по коду|{{PAGENAME}}]] into [[Акатегориа:Ашаблонқәа:Абаираҟқәа кодла|{{PAGENAME}}]]) in this templets!--Surprizi (обсуждение) 11:13, 31 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
In the future if you are going to make any changes or create new articles/templets, it would be better first ask tu us. Because Abkhazian language is not like Russian. it is very difficult language!!! Ok?--Surprizi (обсуждение) 11:19, 31 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
- Actually, I have a "feeling" that these russian categories/templates were just reused because somebody else created articles 10 or more years ago, in which he used such templates. I told you some days ago that someone else might take the iniciative, after I tried to do something with this once but ended up doing the very same mistake as friend Hinrig. Surprizi, I appeal to you as the head-admin to take the iniciative instead and at least track down all those problematic templates and either delete them completely or correct the russian/english/etc... things in them. Else soon other people start doing the order on their own, doing the same mistakes again and adding another load of work for you. The said articles with the wrong flag templates are these: Адунеи аҳҭнықалақьқәа рыхьӡынҵа, Аҳәынҭқаррақәа рсиа. Maybe there are others, but I haven't seen them yet.--Fraxinus.cs (обсуждение) 11:41, 31 ажьырныҳәа 2021 (UTC)
- I remember what you sed, but I think it is better to explain one time to new user all details about Abkhazian Wikipedia. He not only made mistakes from that link, he also copied russian-incorrect abkhazian categories too. I expleined him that just add any russian word letter "а" and to the end plural"қәа", it is not become abkhazian word. User in Abkhazian Wikipedia should know minimum knowledge in Abkhazian language, for example like you, or if anyway wants to work here, ask as before he made any changes. I am sysadmin of kbdwiki too, but I dont write there texts or create unknown for me templetes, becouse I dont know Kabardinian language. It is very easy - not to do which you dont understand!-Surprizi (обсуждение)